The Dirty Water Lindy and Blues Exchange is here! Blues Union is officially co-hosting the Swing and Soul Party, so there are some logistical changes this week.
The dance will be held at the Crosby Whistle Stop, located at 24 Roland St, Charlestown, MA.
Teaching the lesson and finishing up our Playtime series will be Dan Repsch of Philadelphia, PA and our own Devona Cartier:
Dan and Devona’s Blues Playtime (All levels, 8-9)
Dancing isn’t dancing if it isn’t fun! Dan and Devona love to play around while they dance, and this series will show you all the different ways they can work having fun into their dance. Get ready to be ridiculous!
The beginner crash course will not be held this week, but will return with our regularly scheduled Blues Unions next week.
To keep you dancing till midnight will be featured DJs Julie Brown and Dan Repsch, along with support from Steve York and Amy Kucharik.
If you’ve registered for the exchange this is included in the price, otherwise it’s $10 at the door.
You can get all the information you need at the event’s website: