If you’d like to get involved and help our dance keep running and keep being awesome, here are some ways you can help out:
You can sign up to work the door at the dance or close up at the end of the night, in return for free admission. Join the list and you can volunteer as often or as little as you like.
Learn to DJ
We love providing many styles of blues music for our dancers to dance to–from acoustic to electric, Delta blues to Chicago blues, and even a bit of early jazz or R&B. If you love blues music or are otherwise interested in learning about DJing for blues dancers, check out our DJ page for more info.
Learn to Teach
Teaching a skill on its own. If you want to learn to teach blues dancing, read through our Teaching page to get started.
Be a Great Community Member
Each person can make our community stronger and more lovely. You can: Welcome new dancers & strike up a conversation with them. Ask people how their day was. Ask lots of different people to dance. Take the beginner lesson even if you’ve been dancing a long time, and meet our newest dancers. Respect other people’s experiences & boundaries. If someone calls you out, listen.