Thursday, February 28

It’s time for another Clinic, and the return of some live music!

Blues Clinic (7:30-9:30)
The Blues Clinic is an opportunity to work one-on-one with our Blues Union instructors and to work with your friends and peers. Music plays in the background as people work together, and the instructors move around the room, working with people one-on-one or in couples. When not working with instructors, people work with peers, dance with each other, try new things they’re working on, or try things the instructors have helped them with. You can work on material from that month’s series class, workshops you took recently, or anything you like! From 8:30-9:00, we have our Blues Basics class as usual, while the clinic continues in the rest of the room.

Greg Klyma is a dancer favorite and just returned from touring, so we’re bringing him back for your dancing pleasure. He’s also put together an awesome line-up of musicians, so you don’t want to miss this! More information about Greg can be found at:
Plus, Amy Kucharik will be DJing the band breaks.

Naturally, because we have a band, we’ll be going till midnight.

As always the Clinic is $5, and as with live music nights, the dance will be $10.