This month we have Joshua Boroff and Devona Cartier showing us how to lead and follow better:
Momentum and Partnering (7:30-8:30)
Dancing together, how do you make that work? Connection, leading and following, compression and leverage. What about movement? Inertia. As a follow, waiting for the lead to lead you and staying in motion. As a lead, being able to start that movement, act on the momentum of the follow and be able to change or redirect is also fundamental. This is all about momentum and partnering, and this is what our series will be. Leading more clearly, following with ease, coming together as a partnership.
Note: To take this class, you must be at the intermediate level at New School Swing, or have a recommendation from a Blues Union instructor. To get a recommendation, ask an instructor at the Blues Clinic More information here can be found on our Upcoming Classes page.
Blues Basics (8:30-9:00)
This will be a weekly class designed not only for the novice, but anyone wanting to focus on the fundamentals of Blues dancing. It will provide enough vocabulary to have fun on the dance floor, as well the opportunity to hone and polish the core techniques behind the dance.
Julie Brown and Steve York will be behind the DJ booth to scratch your Blues itch.
As always, the lesson is $5 and the dance is an additional $5.