Thursday, August 27

Come take a turns and spins class with Ogden and Amanda. Learn better balance, connection, and some cool moves! This class will focus on follows’ technique (for a change), and leads will learn how to better play the support role during turns.

DJing this week will be Ogden Sawyer and Khrysti Smyth! The cost of admission is $5, or $10 for the lesson and the dance!

Turns & Spins: 7:30pm
Drop-In beginner lesson: 8:30pm
Dancing: 9pm-11pm.

Thursday, August 20

This week, Shawn and Julie will be stretching your dance vocabulary with a class called BAM! Shhhh:

So you’ve got your steady groove down? Great! Now it’s time to spice it up a bit! In this class, we’ll show you how to use different types of moves to play with the energy of a song, and make your dancing more dynamic, impressive, and even suspenseful.

DJing this week will be Rif and Tim! As always, it will be $10 for both the lesson and the dance, and just $5 for the dance.

Thursday, August 6

Damon Stone just finished rocking Boston’s Blues scene, and I’m sure everyone has tons of stuff to work on! Come on down to Blues Union to practice your new material for an hour and a half, and Boston’s local instructors will critique, instruct and generally help you improve! Think of it as a series of mini-private lessons, all for the super-low cost of $5. On top of all that, John “Brooksalicious” Brooks and Tim “T-Bone” Lewandowski will be DJing for us till 11!

The lesson + dance is $10, and the dance alone is $5.

Thursday, July 23

This week Blues Union is back in action with Ogden and Amanda throwing down a moves class to top a month of styling! They’ll be teaching their intermediate lesson from 7:30 to 8:30, and a beginner lesson from 8:30 to 9:00. DJ Brooksalicious and Zac “Margarita” Wine will then pick up the pace and spin some tunes for us from 9 to 11!

As always, the lessons + dance are $10, while the dance alone is $5.

Blues Union is located at 16 Bow St, Somerville MA. Park across the street in the Citizen’s Bank parking lot!

Also – put next week’s Blues Union on your calendar! Damon Stone ( and will be flying in to do his workshop weekend, and will be teaching the intermediate and beginner lessons at Blues Union as a bonus!

Thursday, July 16

This week Gui and Julie are teaming up to bring you “Strut Your Stuff”:

In the Interactive Blues class a few weeks ago, Ogden and Amanda showed you how to create space to play in your dancing. But what do you do with your new-found freedom? In this class, we’ll show you some of our favorite badass stylings to do when given space, as well as some of our favorite times to play. We’ll also be expanding on the concept of creating space to play, showing you some more ways to do it, including how leads can give themselves some room to show off for the follows too!

And leads… if you’re good, Gui will teach you how to spin.

Gui and Julie will be teaching this intermediate lesson from 7:30 to 8:30. From 8:30 to 9:00, they will teach a beginner crash course for newcomers to get up to speed in Blues dancing and be able to enjoy themselves on the social dance floor.

By a strange twist of scheduling, Julie and Gui will also be DJing the dance that runs from 9 to 11!

The lesson + dance cost $10, and the dance alone costs $5.