This is it, friends! Chris and Campbell are coming to town, and this Thursday they’re giving you a sneak peak of what the weekend has to offer. Check out these fine teaser classes:
Call and Response (Intermediate, 7:30-8:15)
You can’t have a conversation with only one person talking! Call and Response is about taking turns, letting your partner speak, and creating something *together*. We’ll even explore some solo movement — see what you can make up!
Badass Blues Basics (Beginner, 8:15-9:00)
One of the easiest and hardest things about Blues is that there is really no one basic step. It’s very freeing a lot of room for expression, but it can be daunting because you don’t always have that one thing to fall back on. But fear not! We’ll walk you through our favorite “basic” steps and show you how to get your groove on out on the Blues floor. Come learn the steps that never get old!
After the lessons are over, Khrysti Smyth and Amy Kucharik will be rockin’ and rollin’ us all night long! Steve will be bringing ceviche, Martha will be bringing pudding, Naomi will be bringing lemon cake, and Micki and Eileen will be bringing even more tasty food for us to scarf down.
As always, the lessons are $5 and the dance is an additional $5.
See you all Thursday!