Alright folks, we’ve got double trouble in mind this Thursday!
Dan Repsch and Jennifer Sowden have both fallen in love with us, and are coming back TOGETHER. They’ve been teaching together all around the mid-Atlantic, and are coming up to teach and then throw down at the DJ booth. Hot damn! Check out their class list:
Trigonometry and Blues (Intermediate, 7:30-8:15)
Who said you’d never use high school trig? This class will show you how to make your blues dancing sharp and angular. We’ll introduce a horizontal pulse and modified vocabulary that will clearly differentiate this style from others you may know. Math jokes welcome.
Blues Power Button (Beginner, 8:15-9:00)
Your body already knows how to dance the Blues, we’re just going to show you where the “On” switch is. We’ll show you how to create common shapes and communicate with your partner through your dancing.
Once the lessons are over, they’ll be teaming up and rocking out at the DJ booth!
As always on our DJed nights, the dance will be $5 and the lessons another $5.