Join us for the last installment of the musical fun that is:
Rhythms! (7:30-8:30)
with Joey Science & Dan Legenthal
Rhythm, you have it…or at least, you will at the end of this four-part class! Blues is a genre full of rhythmic nuance that makes it fun, but also sometimes challenging to dance to. Dan and Joey will help you find ways to express different rhythms with style and precision.
Blues Basics: Triple Steps & Improvisation (8:30-9:30)
with Joey Science & Derrick Rice
This weekly drop-in class is designed for new-to-blues dancers or anyone wanting to focus on the fundamentals. No experience or partner required! This month, each week covers a different topic. Some weeks, we’ll learn blues dances that use a triple-step rhythm, and work on traveling, chill turns, and side passes. Other weeks, we’ll learn how to listen to the music, find your own basic, and build a beautiful dance to any style of blues music.
Amy Kucharik and Joey Science will be behind the DJ booth to scratch your Blues itch.
As always, the lesson is $5 and the dance an additional $5.