It’s time once again for Sweet Molasses, and you know we’re here to kick it off right!
Enjoying the Groove (7:30-8:30)
with Laura Chieko and Ruth Evelyn
This month, we delve into what we love about dancing and find ways we can get more enjoyment from it. Each week will be a different topic to find what we love, or delve into something the instructor finds deeply satisfying about dancing. More details on this week coming soon.
Blues Basics: Ballroomin’ B (8:30-9:30)
with Mike Legenthal and K. Faye Jones
This drop-in class is designed for new-to-blues dancers or anyone wanting to focus on the basics! No experience or partner required! This month focuses on Ballroomin’, a sub-style of blues dances that were danced in ballrooms across America. At Blues Union, we’ll work on our close embrace connection and lag through Ballroom-style Slow Drag, and turns & dips, as we learn Savoy Walk/The Ballroom.
Of course, this wouldn’t be a party without live music! Playing for us will be Boston’s own They become Dirt, a band born out of a desire to play for blues dancers. ‘They become Dirt’ is code for ‘Jesse Armerding and assorted cohorts playing in a musical mud puddle’.
As always, the lesson is $5. Pre-order tickets for the dance are available for $12 at The price at the door will be $15, so get yours early!