Union Foundations: December 9

Another in our series of Union Foundations events: Warm Back into Blues.

Join other blues dancers for some refresher mini-classes+integrated guided practices to help us warm back into blues dancing, our bodies, the music, partnering, and more. They will be led by Mike and Dan Legenthal, on the following topics:

“You Are (Still) Creative, and We’ll Prove It To You!” One of the scariest parts of coming back to dance after a break is wondering if you’ll be able to think of stuff to do. The answer is yes- but you don’t have to take our word for it! We’ll guide you through 3 mini-classes to help you feel relaxed and creative.

1. Opposites! Whether it’s sweet-and-salty desserts or tiny kittens sleeping on giant dogs, contrast is delightful! We’re going to use opposites to help us feel more creative and musical. This mini class will have both solo- and multi-player modes, for folks joining via Zoom!

2. Choose Your Own Rhythmic Adventure. By taking simple rhythmic ideas and limiting our choices, we can tap into creativity- pun intended. You can use easy or hard rhythms, so this mini class will scale to your level! (Solo or partnered)

3. Move Morph! This creativity game is a Legenthal classic. We’ll help you generate new ways of moving, shake off the dust, and probably giggle a lot while you’re at it. And yes- we have a Zoom-friendly modification to keep everyone involved. (Solo)

-Sign up to attend in person: https://forms.gle/s7nS7giThXrJ86Ak8

-Sign up to attend virtually: https://withfriends.co/event/13162066/Online_ticket
*everything this week is solo-friendly, so if you don’t have someone to practice with at home, all good!Masks & proof of vaccination required for in person attendance. Anyone may attend online.

There will be 2 time slots, to help limit attendance for covid safety: 7:00-8:45pm or 9:00-10:45pm (eastern).During each time slot, there will be 3 ‘mini-classes’ with guided practice time in between. Both time slots will be the same material. You will be able to have the flexibility to be gentle with yourself, and tailor the experience to where you are at in the moment.

Cost: $15 (or more if you can help subsidize – every dollar helps)
If cost creates a barrier for you, please reach out to us on messenger or email!

Sign up to attend in person here: https://forms.gle/w1MB9tXNR5UPivQQ8

You can also attend online via Zoom. During the guided practice time, a TA will monitor the chat for your questions. Everything this week is solo-friendly, so you can have a partner with you or not.

Cost: Sliding scale $5-$15 (or more if you can help subsidize – every dollar helps)
If cost creates a barrier for you, please reach out to us on messenger or email!

Sign up to attend online here: https://withfriends.co/event/13162066/Online_ticket

For in-person attendees:
-Proof of vaccination is required. It’s recommended that if your last shot was more than 6 months ago, you get a booster – schedule one here: https://vaxfinder.mass.gov
-Masks are required
-There will be 10-14 people in the space at a time. There will be a 15-minute buffer in between the time slots, for cleaning the space.
-The space has a new HEPA filter system, and the windows that can open will be open.

Note: For the safety and wellbeing of the community, in advance of this event please be especially diligent in your adherence to the CDC guidelines, which recommend wearing masks in public indoor spaces and remaining masked if indoors with unvaccinated people.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact BostonBluesUnion@gmail.com.

We are excited to see you at Dance Union!