Thursday, May 23

This week we return to our fabulous regularly scheduled program:

Advanced Struttin’ (7:30-8:30)
with Jenn Martinez and Forrest Rogers-Marcovitz
Come take your Struttin’ to the next level! This month, we’ll get you more footwork & moves, and better technique for Struttin’, the upbeat close embrace blues dance from Memphis.
*This series is open to anyone who has taken struttin’ basics 2 or more times*
Check out some examples of Struttin’ here:

Blues Basics: Ballroomin’ A (8:30-9:30)
with K. Faye Jones
This drop-in class is designed for new-to-blues dancers or anyone wanting to focus on the basics! No experience or partner required! This month focuses on ballroomin’ blues, danced to jazz-blues music. We’ll be working on one-step and two-step for blues, two stylish walking dances with close embrace, fun footwork patterns, and delightful turns.

Ron Margolin and Don Coverdale will be behind the DJ booth to scratch your Blues itch.

As always, the lesson is $5 and the dance an additional $5.