Virtual Union: June 18

Celebrating Pride & the Blues (8:00-9:30pm EST)

Tonight we’ll have a community-participation celebration of queer/LGBTQIA+ blues artists! Come join the fun here:

**How it’ll work**
1. *Anyone who wants to* chooses a queer blues artist that they want to highlight. Sign up here:
(That link has a list of queer blues artists and links to their Spotify page, to get you started if you’re not a DJ. If you have a fav who’s not on there, add them!)

2. Pick 3 songs by that artist and add them to this Spotify playlist:
If want a second opinion on if it’s blues, ask Jenn Martinez or Amy Blank. If you need help adding the song to the playlist, ask Jenn.
Do this before noon (ET) on Thursday.

3. Choose a sentence or two to say about that artist — what you like about their music, about them, something about their life or importance, etc.

The night of Blues Union, Julie Brown will play through the songs everyone chose, pausing for each artist’s intro. When your artist is up, you tell the community your sentence or two that you’ve prepared. Everyone can dance to the songs or just tune in to listen.

**Dress up!**
If you have an outfit you had wanted to wear to pride, feel free to wear it and/or post a picture to this Facebook event.

All proceeds will be split between to the Okra Project’s Tony McDade and Nina Pop Mental Health Funds, which provide free therapy to Black trans folks.

Suggested donation of $5-15:

Learn more about the Okra Project’s other work: