This week at Blues Union

Thuesday September 17

Another fine Thursday, and another intermediate lesson to challenge dancers this week! This time it’s Julie and Ogden teaming up for Traveling Blues and Blues Maneuvers:

“It’s fun to dance in one spot, but why not move around the room and see the sights? In this class, we’ll be teaching some slick and sassy traveling moves to get you moving around the room. But traveling moves can be tough on a crowded dance floor, so we’ll also show you how to use these moves to maneuver around obstacles without interrupting the flow of the dance. At the end of class, we’ll put your new-found agility to the test with some funny, challenging drills! It should be a blast, so come on out!”

Remember to tell friends that we always have a beginner drop-in lesson after the intermediate lesson! Following that, we have DJs Ogden and Khrysti taking you through the night and showing you what’s badass.

Thursday, September 10

Gui and Jenn will be teaching a class this week on Letting Your Body Do The Work: “It turns out that your body knows how to come up with moves on its own, you just have to let it! In this class we’ll show you a progression of three solo movements that blend into each other seamlessly, and we’ll teach you how to lead and follow them in partnered form. We’ll then start you with a different solo movement (that can be lead in a partnered connection) to get going, show you how to transition to a second set of movements, and ask you to fill in the transition to a third, guiding you through the process as you go.

To wrap up the class, we’ll give you a movement to start and ask you to fill in the second and third movements. By the end of the class, you should feel like you can come up with your own strings of solo movements, and you should feel confident that you can dance them both on your own and in a partnered connection.”

Gui will be returning to the DJ table this week, joined by none other than the smooth Zac Wine! Gui is still pumped from last week’s DJ throwdown, and is more than ready to bring it again. When asked if he was also ready, Zac sounded a loud battlecry. So I think we’re all set here.

Thursday, September 3

This Thursday, come out to Blues Union in Union Square and welcome back all the college folks!  This promises to be a great week with lots of excellent dancing.  We’re going to start off at 7:30pm with a blues clinic focusing on solo movement- so if you’ve wanted to work on your moves in solo or breakaway, this is great opportunity!  We will still be helping people with partnered connection if that’s what you’re feeling.  Feel free to come for a drop-in lesson as well- even if you’ve never blues danced before, our instructors will help you out!

At 9pm, get ready for badassery: DJs Julie Brown, Gui Cavalcanti, and John Brooks trade off songs for you to dance to during the night.  They’ll be trading ones, which means after one of them plays one song, the next DJ brings his or her considerable DJ might to bear to play the perfect song to make you move!  Come and cheer on your DJs, and have a great time on the floor!

Thursday, August 27

Come take a turns and spins class with Ogden and Amanda. Learn better balance, connection, and some cool moves! This class will focus on follows’ technique (for a change), and leads will learn how to better play the support role during turns.

DJing this week will be Ogden Sawyer and Khrysti Smyth! The cost of admission is $5, or $10 for the lesson and the dance!

Turns & Spins: 7:30pm
Drop-In beginner lesson: 8:30pm
Dancing: 9pm-11pm.

Thursday, August 20

This week, Shawn and Julie will be stretching your dance vocabulary with a class called BAM! Shhhh:

So you’ve got your steady groove down? Great! Now it’s time to spice it up a bit! In this class, we’ll show you how to use different types of moves to play with the energy of a song, and make your dancing more dynamic, impressive, and even suspenseful.

DJing this week will be Rif and Tim! As always, it will be $10 for both the lesson and the dance, and just $5 for the dance.